With its volcanic past, its humid tropical climate and a high rate of sunshine, Nosy Komba is endowed with a diversified flora. There are 188 species of tropical plants on the island.

Among these plants, palms, bamboos, coconut palms, ylangs-ylangs, flamboyant trees, tulip trees of Gabon, ficus, eucalyptus, ramy (canarium madagascariensis), tamarinds (tamarandus indicus) and other fruit trees, raffia (raffia rufa), traveller’s trees (ravenala madagascariensis), albizzias as well as numerous other species of trees and wild flowers are present on the island.

There are about 70 species of medicinal plants.

Just before the rainy season, the fruit trees start to give their fruits, it is the period of abundance of tropical fruits such as mangoes, pineapples, limes, jackfruit, soursop, litchis, rambutans, guavas, passion fruit, apple-cinnamon, cocoa pods, coffee, avocados…

During the dry season, orange, mandarin and grapefruit trees bear fruit. Papaya and banana trees bear fruit all year round. Papaya and banana trees bear fruit all year round.

The harvest of the vanilla pods takes place from April to the end of May.

Medicinal plants

Medicinal plants

There are many medicinal plants on the island which the people use as their main preventive or curative treatments.



The vanilla plantations are mainly located in the mountain of the island, where the hot and humid climate is favorable to the blooming of vanilla.

The blooming of the flowers

The blooming of the flowers

September and October months are particularly interesting for seeing the beautiful flowering phases on the island.


Nosy Komba is home to a multitude of tropical and endemic animal species…

On the same subject…

The birds

The birds

There are more than twenty species of birds on the island of Nosy Komba.

Maki Macaco

Maki Macaco

Many lemurs macaco are living in Nosy Komba. There are several mixed groups led by females.