The old arboretum

eucalyptus ex-arboretum

The old arboretum

Published on 12/09/2021

"During colonial times, monks on the island had established an arboretum."

During colonial times, in 1947, monks of the religious Capucin congregation developed an Arboretum. Father “Albert”, a member of this community, was at the origin of this project. Many trees from all over the world were imported. The seeds of trees and plants introduced in Antanamonpera come from the four corners of the globe: Vietnam, Gabon, Australia, Philippines, South Africa… About sixty trees were planted, including several varieties of eucalyptus, albizia, dalbergia, cassia…
The ones remaining belong to a reforestation project of 60 ha, managed by “Water and Forests Malagasy”. But the years passed and the trees were progressively cut down in favour of plantations, even if some were partially decimated by the passage of several hurricanes and storms.

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